I aim to clean up the “schematics & drawings” section over the coming weeks. I’ve added a new section called wiring that’s going to be dedicated to off-board wiring diagrams only, and I hope to create a few more too. Currently I’m imagining an FAQ, a section for debugging tips and a dedicated one for schematics that I’ve drawn. I also have a vague idea about re-doing the step-by-step one, and maybe even start thinking about some sound clips.
Any ideas or suggestions? I’d love to hear them 🙂
Swiching diagrams would be nice. i.e. ABY box for effects, order changer, A/B/C box for effects.
If you’re interested I have schems/layouts (handdrawn) for some of those.
And yeah, clips/links to YT would be nice.
Thanks for all the hard work,
Sounds clips would be amazing!