Update (16.12.14): Now verified as working, thanks to jay 🙂
Category: Effect
For no particular reason here’s an experimental vero layout for the Buzzaround, a ToneBender MkII style fuzz. I’ve tried to incorporate a voltage converter on-board
Apparently the Riot has been retraced and a new schematic has emerged with a few changes that might explain why the first one didn’t quite
Today’s post is unfortunately going to be more of a tease than a practical layout. I’ve been experimenting with programming micro controllers the last few
This one’s an experiment and there’s a real chance this initial version won’t work correctly, so keep that in mind if you’re trying this right
I haven’t got that many chorus layouts so I figured I’d pick one from my fairly long list of requests. This is the Easy Vibe
Make your guitar sound more like an acoustic. Mark Hammer’s schematic and design documentation can be found here. Apparently there are a few conditions that need
Similar to the Echo Base this is a PT2399-based digital delay/chorus (and tremolo even) with a lot of additional options. Here’s the original thread over
This one is supposed to give you some of that Dumble sound everyone and his dog is looking for. I’m not that happy with how