Based on the name I take it’s a fuzz, but that’s about all I know. This is based on a schematic from a German music
Category: Fuzz

Update (22.04.2015): Verified as working, thanks to Alec. Vero layout for the Frantone Peachfuzz. The schematic can be fond here.

For no particular reason here’s an experimental vero layout for the Buzzaround, a ToneBender MkII style fuzz. I’ve tried to incorporate a voltage converter on-board

I don’t know what it does or what it sounds like, but it look interesting for sure. Let me know if you build it. Update

I wasn’t able to find any schematic for this effect, but from what I’ve gathered it’s a combination of two other effects, the “Torn’s Peaker”

I have no idea what this one sounds like, but it’s probably fun. Based on the schematic over at GGG. As always, let me know

You asked for it. Let me know if it works or need work 🙂 Update (21.01.2012): Now verified, thanks to Sven.