I know very little about this effect. Let me know if the layout works out. Update (28.12.2011): Built this one tonight just to see whether
Category: Fuzz

This seems to be one of those effects nobody can agree on. Not really knowing one version from another I’ve given a schematic by ringworm

Here’s a vero layout for the Zvex Fuzz Factory with board mounted 9mm pots. This will work with the miniature Alps pots they sell at

Here’s another build I just did for a friend who plays bass. I don’t have access to a bass, but I tried it with my

The Tone Bender variant called “Boutique Bender” from generalguitargadgets, supposedly identical to the Fulltone SoulBender. Update (24.01.2011): Just finished the Boutique Bender circuit (hooked up

Did a vero layout of the Merkin Fuzz today. Haven’t verified it yet, but it looks to be OK. Will update once I get around