This seems to be one of the classic overdrives. Update (17.12.2011): Verified thanks to Mark.
Category: Overdrive

I’m a real novice when it comes to how these effects work, but I’ve always wanted to learn so I figured I’d try to “design”

Vero layout for the G2D Custom Overdrive, also called “Kustom Kretin”, based on a schematic by Briggs. Update (05.01.2012): Now verified thanks to muhd.

Vero layout for the Analogman King of Tone, a two-circuits-in-one overdrive. I’m really excited this layout came out perfectly squared! Update (25.10.2011): And here’s a

After doing the “Boiling Point” I thought I might as well just do a straight TS-808 too for completeness sake. Update (15.10.2011): Verified thanks to

Looks like a pretty straight forward TS variant. I chose to omit most of the extra 100nF filtering caps to make the layout a bit

This layout is based on a Crowther Hot Cake schematic by soulsonic and is one of several apparent versions of this circuit. Let me know

As requested here’s a vero layout for the OD-808, and as usual I have yet to verify this myself. Let me know if you do.

Here’s a vero layout for the Omnidrive, designed by John Hollis. Update (11.01.2011): Added a missing cut underneath R7. Update (20.01.2011): Built the Omnidrive circuit

Here’s a vero layout for the Fulldrive based on a schematic by madbean. Yet to be verified. Let me know if you get this thing