JFET approximation of the Mesa Boogie Mark I preamp. Probably sounds nice 🙂 Update (05.05.2013): Now verified as working, both by myself and Derek. Thanks
Category: Preamp emulator

Update (16.12.14): Now verified as working, thanks to jay 🙂

There’s been a few requests for this preamp circuit and I finally got around to it. I based this on a schematic I’m not really

Vero layout of the Marshall JCM-800 preamp emulator.

Here’s a vero layout for the preamp emulator of the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier.

Vero layout for the “Boogeyman”, a Mesa Boogie Mark IIc+ preamp emulator.

Based on a schematic of the Mesa Boogie Mark IV I found floating around the Internet and the owner’s manual I put together a schematic

Mamat wanted to see a vero layout for the “Seventheaven” Bogner Ecstacy preamp emulator, and here it is. It’s not verified as of now, but

Having built the Bad Cat Mini II amp, and given how happy I am about that one, I’m contemplating building a 30W Hot Cat amp