As many of you who are using the app have noticed, the latest iOS version caused the app to crash. Thanks for making me aware
Category: Software
I’ve been working on (still am to be honest) a new version of the tap-tempo LFO. There’s a few new features, like: Rotary encoder input

The second update to StripboardCAD is finished and awaiting publishing on the App Store. This update s focused on improving the parts list and how

I’ve just about finished the first major update to StripboardCAD. What remains now is a bit of testing, and the App Store submission process. This

Release for version 1 of my new stripboard/veroboard layout app for the iPad is quickly approaching, and I’ve begun setting up support and info pages.

As quite a few of you know I spent most of my time last year working on a vero layout app for iPad. I was

Update (01.11.2041): Fixed dead link to source. Here it is: You might have noticed I’ve been conspicuously absent for a while. Well, I’ve been

Update (04.05.2014): I’ve made a minor tweak to the source code; the sinewave has been phase aligned with the other waveform options where it previously