You might remember I tried my hands at pickup winding a while ago (was it more than a year ago already?) creating a set of pickups for my Jazzmaster. Or maybe I never posted that, but anyway.
With some major help from my friends I finally got around to do a proper pickup comparison! And here’s the result:
The setup:
- Three different Jazzmasters
- (J) A japanese Fender Jazzmaster (CIJ) with stock japanese pickups.
- (S) My own japanese Fender Jazzmaster (CIJ) with custom pickups as mentioned above (see lovely picture, it’s the left one).
- (A) A modern AVRI Fender Jazzmaster with stock pickups.
- No effects, guitar straight to amp (happened to be the one I most recently built, which, in my subjective opinion, sounds just great). The amp is connected to a 1×12 open-back cabinet with a G12H element.
- A Soundelux U195 microphone straight to a CI2 Steinberg interface for recording.
The result:
Note: No post-processing effects were used, to retain the actual sound as much as possible, but all samples have been trimmed down and given a light touch-up to attenuate excessive fret noise spikes (equally for all samples).
Neck pickups only:
Middle position/both pickups at the same time:
Bridge pickups only:
- All guitar playing by Ronny Yttrehus of Captain Gone.
- Recording engineer: Jon Bjørnstad, also of Captain Gone.
- Minor editing and post processing by myself.
Thanks André 🙂
Sounds very good Harald!
Guitar was a bit out of tune with the neck pickup, so it was hard to compare with the others as it drives some attention. Overall it has a distinctive sound which I think is great. Congratulations!