Thanks to Bajaman over at freestompboxes for this great project. Here are vero layouts for three slightly different Music Man on-board preamps. The Sabre II
Tag: easy

This seems to be one of those effects nobody can agree on. Not really knowing one version from another I’ve given a schematic by ringworm

Here’s a vero layout for the Zvex Fuzz Factory with board mounted 9mm pots. This will work with the miniature Alps pots they sell at

Giving this its own post. Here’s a layout for a battery powered amp.

Giving this ring modulator its own post. Here’s the vero layout.

I know nothing of this circuit, but hopefully someone will enjoy this vero layout. Update (19.10.2011): Verified, thanks to Glenn and Hookey.

This layout is based on a Crowther Hot Cake schematic by soulsonic and is one of several apparent versions of this circuit. Let me know

Here’s another build I just did for a friend who plays bass. I don’t have access to a bass, but I tried it with my

Here’s a new layout I’ve been working on over the holidays. The John Hollis’ “Flatline Compressor”. Update (31.01.2011): Finished the Flatline layout today. I can