It’s a reverb effect using the Belton BTDR-2 digital reverb brick, but it also throws in a PT2399. Might be interesting. Update (19.08.2013): Forgot to
Tag: moderate

Update (01.06.2014): Now verified as working, thanks to Coi2001. Here’s a layout for something slightly different, but no less useful. It’s the ABY box from

Here’s another octave down effect; the Shin-Ei Octave Box. I based this on the schematic from Topopiccione, with a slight modification to the octave switch

Here’s a vanilla flavored layout for the Splitter Blend, designed by runoffgroove. Schematic can be found here.

This one is a bit unusual in as much as I’ve already built it and verified it as working. Here’s a vero layout for Tim

For no particular reason here’s an experimental vero layout for the Buzzaround, a ToneBender MkII style fuzz. I’ve tried to incorporate a voltage converter on-board

Make your guitar sound more like an acoustic. Mark Hammer’s schematic and design documentation can be found here. Apparently there are a few conditions that need

Here’s one for the new year! This is a vero layout for the Catalinbread SFT, from what I understand a circuit based on the Ampeg

I don’t know what it does or what it sounds like, but it look interesting for sure. Let me know if you build it. Update

Vero layout for the WIIO. This is more or less identical to the RAH in topology with only a few component values changed and a